

  • Completed Project Display Series  | Hong Kong Government Key Renovation Project – Kwu Tung North Welfare Services Complex!

    Completed Project Display Series | Hong Kong Government Key Renovation Project – Kwu Tung North Welfare Services Complex!

    古洞北新发展区作为政府重点改造区,获批325.184亿元,以进行大规模地盘平整和基础设施工程,古洞北福利服务综合大楼项目就是其中之一。 The Kwu Tung North New Development Area, as a key government redevelopment area, has been approved with a budget of 32.518 billion yuan for large-scale land leveling and...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | The Glorious Rebirth of the Hong Kong Regent Hotel!

    Completed Project Display Series | The Glorious Rebirth of the Hong Kong Regent Hotel!

      每个城市,都有这样一座地标酒店,见证城市的发展与变迁,香港丽晶酒店(Regent hotel)即是如此。作为20世纪80年代和90年代的城市标志,香港丽晶酒店于2001年关闭,2023年重新开放,关闭了22年的香港丽晶酒店在翻新后绮丽重生。 Every city has such a landmark hotel that witnesses the development and chang...
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  • Completed Project Display Series |West Side Place!

    Completed Project Display Series |West Side Place!

    West Side Place是一座耗资10亿澳元,占地面积9.7万平方米,由四栋建筑组成的综合体,是墨尔本最大的市中心开发项目。建成后即成为墨尔本最高的建筑之一,墨尔本中心的新地标。 West Side Place is a complex consisting of four buildings, costing AUD 1 billion and covering an area of 97000 square meters. It is ...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Six Star Green Building -110 Carlton Gore Road!

    Completed Project Display Series | Six Star Green Building -110 Carlton Gore Road!

    Regus在奥克兰Newmarket市中心开发了新的商业项目,包括6层商业办公空间、公寓、2层地下停车场和周边设施。建筑为满足六星级绿色建筑评级(6 Greenstar)而设计,绿色建筑委员会颁发的最高证书,相当于可持续发展领域的世界领先地位。 Regus has developed a new commercial project in the center of Newmarket, Auc...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Comfortable and Convenient Quest Dandenong Central Apartment!

    Completed Project Display Series | Comfortable and Convenient Quest Dandenong Central Apartment!

    著名的酒店式公寓巨头Quest,在澳大利亚、新西兰、英国和斐济拥有160多家酒店式公寓。是澳大利亚公寓式酒店住宿的市场领导者。 Quest, a renowned hotel style apartment giant, has over 160 hotel style apartments in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Fiji. It is the market leader in apartment hotel accom...
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  • Completed project display series | Sydney’s top luxury mansion  One Sydney Harbour!

    Completed project display series | Sydney’s top luxury mansion One Sydney Harbour!

    悉尼海港一号 — 一个自带网红性质的高端公寓 位于悉尼市中心心脏地带Barangaroo South 悉尼港最时尚的中央商务区 拥有全澳洲史上最昂贵的房产交易 $1.4亿澳币的顶层豪宅桂冠 想要低调都很难~ One Sydney Harbour—A high-end apartment with its own internet celebrity status, located in Barangaroo South, the heart...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Boston’s Latest Technology Luxury Building NEMA Boston!

    Completed Project Display Series | Boston’s Latest Technology Luxury Building NEMA Boston!

    美国著名开发商Crescent Heights 最新科技豪楼NEMA Boston,高22层,拥有414套公寓的楼群,包括60个创新单元、144个停车位的三层车库、和1.2万平方英尺的共享空间。项目耗资超2亿美元! The latest technology luxury building from renowned American developer Crescent Heights, NEMA Boston, is a 22 story comple...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Melbourne Internet Celebrity Apartments -192-204 A’Beckett Street!

    Completed Project Display Series | Melbourne Internet Celebrity Apartments -192-204 A’Beckett Street!

    最近在墨尔本的CBD 一栋全新的网红ins风学生公寓拔地而起 吸引了众多留学生的目光 这栋外观华丽的大楼就是The Switch旗下新建的学生公寓192-204 A’Beckett Street Recently,in the CBD of Melbourne, a brand new internet celebrity Instagram style student apartment has sprung up, attracting the attention ...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Seaside Luxury Homes – One Wellington ST KILDA!

    Completed Project Display Series | Seaside Luxury Homes – One Wellington ST KILDA!

    自从沙特阿拉伯对世界开放,利雅得成为了炙手可热的新兴旅游地,吸引了一大波奢牌酒店集团涌向中东市场,作为高奢酒店顶流的索菲特集团当然也在其中。 Since Saudi Arabia opened up to the world, Riyadh has become a hot emerging tourist destination, attracting a large wave of luxury hotel groups to flock to ...
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  • Marry Christmas!

    Marry Christmas!

    In the blink of an eye, Christmas 2023 quietly arrives, with deer and Christmas trees, the sound of New Year’s bells and countdown, all bad luck will dissipate, and all beauty will meet in the end. All members of ALTOP wish you and your loved ones the best Christmas wishes, and may your car...
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  • Completed Project Display Series | Seaside Luxury Homes – One Wellington ST KILDA!

    Completed Project Display Series | Seaside Luxury Homes – One Wellington ST KILDA!

      知名开发商LAS集团与Qualitas合资开发的海滨豪宅-OneWellington ST KILDA,斥资2.25亿美元打造,被评为当地最期待的豪宅之一,终于在最近落幕。 One Wellington ST KILDA, a seaside luxury property jointly developed by renowned developer LAS Group and Qualitas, was built for $225 million and was ...
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  • Completed Project Display Series 33- Melbourne Landmark – The Opus Tower!

    Completed Project Display Series 33- Melbourne Landmark – The Opus Tower!

    由专注于奢华品质的LK Property Group打造的The Opus Tower坐落于墨尔本雅拉河南岸。南岸可谓是墨尔本最时尚浪漫的区域,如果将雅拉河比喻为五线谱,那么The Opus Tower便是耀眼的音符,充满艺术气息的建筑风格和柔和装潢设计与墨尔本南岸文化氛围相得益彰。 The Opus Tower, created by LK Property Group, which focus...
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