Completed Project Display Series 33- Melbourne Landmark – The Opus Tower!

由专注于奢华品质的LK Property Group打造的The Opus Tower坐落于墨尔本雅拉河南岸。南岸可谓是墨尔本最时尚浪漫的区域,如果将雅拉河比喻为五线谱,那么The Opus Tower便是耀眼的音符,充满艺术气息的建筑风格和柔和装潢设计与墨尔本南岸文化氛围相得益彰。

The Opus Tower, created by LK Property Group, which focuses on luxury quality, is located on the south bank of the Yarra River in Melbourne. The South Bank can be said to be the most fashionable and romantic area in Melbourne. If the Yara River is compared to a staff, then The Opus Tower is a dazzling note, with an artistic architectural style and soft decoration design that complements the cultural atmosphere of the South Bank of Melbourne.    
项目名称: The Opus Tower

项目地址: 57-61 city road ,southbank


开发商:LK Property Group

开发商LK Property Group是墨尔本最大开发商之一,经过二十年的发展,LK打造了许多墨尔本的精品楼盘。The Opus Tower也是精品之一,建成即成为墨尔本南岸新地标。
The developer LK Property Group is one of the largest developers in Melbourne, and after 20 years of development, LK has created many high-quality properties in Melbourne. The Opus Tower is also one of the boutiques, becoming a new landmark on the south bank of Melbourne upon completion.

The Opus Tower外观具有浓烈的现代艺术气息,黑白相间的大楼格外出挑,让人忍不住想要驻足观赏。外立面由多种几何图形铝板和单元式幕墙构成。几何图形铝板既是很好的装饰条,也可以分担一些光污染,再加上ALTOP为该项目提供了定制化的绿色幕墙系统,这些遮阳措施预计将使太阳辐射热量减少40%,从而达到可持续目标。

The appearance of The Opus Tower has a strong modern artistic atmosphere, and the black and white buildings are particularly outstanding, making people want to stop and admire. The exterior facade is composed of various geometric shapes of aluminum panels and modular curtain walls. Geometric aluminum panels are both excellent decorative strips and can share some light pollution. In addition, ALTOP has provided a customized green curtain wall system for the project, and these shading measures are expected to reduce solar radiation heat by 40%, thus achieving sustainable goals.


The construction of the facade curtain wall is a key point in quality control of this project. Due to the crisscrossing of decorative strips, the correct installation sequence must be strictly followed during construction, and the construction process exhibits irreversible characteristics. The construction requirements for material organization and glass damage rate control are extremely high.


To ensure the quality of the project, Altop has a strict quality control system throughout the entire construction process, strictly following the installation sequence, and forming the first correct installation. This not only ensures the quality of the project, but also greatly shortens the construction period. Below, please enjoy the finished products inspected by Altop after completion~

The Opus Tower建成后受当地居民高度喜爱,充满艺术感的外观、优越的地理位置、便捷的出行方式以及周边齐全的配套设施,哪一项都是加分项。开发商LK Property Group创建的的精品建筑又一次大获成功。

After its completion, The Opus Tower is highly loved by local residents. Its artistic appearance, superior geographical location, convenient transportation, and complete supporting facilities are all bonus points.The boutique building created by developer LK Property Group has once again achieved great success.

Post time: Nov-14-2023
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