
Completed project display series | Sydney’s top luxury mansion One Sydney Harbour!



位于悉尼市中心心脏地带Barangaroo South





One Sydney Harbour—A high-end apartment with its own internet celebrity status, located in Barangaroo South, the heart of Sydney’s city center, the most fashionable central business district of Sydney Harbour. It has the most expensive property transaction in Australian history and is crowned with a $140 million top-level luxury home, making it difficult to keep a low profile~

开 发 商  | Lendlease

建筑设计 | Renzo Piano

室内设计 | Daniel Goldberg

Lendlease 集团打造
Lendlease Group, a world famous real estate developer, can be called the “world landmark builder”. Its outstanding landmark buildings include Sydney Opera House, Taipei 101 Building, Trump International Hotel, etc.
One Sydney Harbour由意大利籍的世界著名建筑师Renzo Piano与澳洲建筑设计事务所PTW联袂打造的。现年83岁的Renzo是The Pritzker Architecture Prize 普利策建筑奖——建筑界的诺贝尔奖获得者。
One Sydney Harbour was jointly created by Renzo Piano, a world-renowned Italian architect, and PTW, an Australian architectural design firm. 83 year old Renzo is the recipient of The Pritzker Architecture Prize, the Nobel Prize in Architecture. 

建筑设计师 | Renzo Piano

RPBW-Renzo Piano Building Workshop创始人



悉尼 曙光大厦 Aurora Place

伦敦 碎片大厦 The Shard

巴黎 蓬皮杜艺术中心 Centre Georges Pompidou

RPBW-Renzo Piano Building Workshop佳作无数,悉尼的曙光大厦 Aurora Place, 伦敦的碎片大厦 The Shard, 巴黎的蓬皮杜艺术中心 Centre Georges Pompidou都是Renzo Piano先生享誉盛名的作品,如今悉尼又添一座大师的杰作,落成后将让悉尼国际化大都市的形象更加丰富美丽、魅力无限~
RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop has countless masterpieces, including Aurora Place in Sydney, The Shard in London, and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, all of which are renowned works by Mr. Renzo Piano. Now, Sydney has added another masterpiece by a master, which will make the image of Sydney as an international metropolis more rich, beautiful, and charming~
作为巴拉加罗(Barangaroo)地区总体规划的一部分,悉尼港一号(One Sydney Harbour)住宅综合体由3座塔楼组成,其中1塔高度可达247米,共有72层。2塔可达230米,共有68层;3塔较为低矮,仅有30层,高107米。
As part of the overall planning of the Barangaroo area, One Sydney Harbour residential complex consists of three towers, one of which can reach a height of 247 meters and has a total of 72 floors. Two towers can reach up to 230 meters, with a total of 68 floors; The three towers are relatively low, with only 30 floors and a height of 107 meters.
In terms of architectural design, the architect adopted a fully transparent treatment, not only using glass curtain walls on the exterior of the building, but also consisting of large areas of floor to ceiling doors and windows indoors. The towers reflect each other, with light and shadow reflected on different mirrors, reflecting the pure and transparent crystal colors of the Sydney sky and harbor.
Altop为悉尼港一号(One Sydney Harbour)项目定制的超大尺寸高透光玻璃门窗,不仅为建筑通透度增添异彩,还为门窗性能提供了充分的保障。赢得了客户的一致好评。
The ultra large, high transparency glass doors and windows customized by Altop for the One Sydney Harbour project not only add brilliance to the building's transparency, but also provide sufficient guarantee for the performance of the doors and windows. Won unanimous praise from customers.
Live below the stars, above the harbour
是这个项目的宣传语。One Sydney Harbour早已超越了住宅本身的居住属性,更是足以引领当地新型生活方式的象征。
It is the promotional slogan for this project. One Sydney Harbour has already surpassed the residential properties of the residence itself and is a symbol that can lead the local new way of life.

Post time: Mar-12-2024
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