Completed Project Display Series 09- Public Transport Hub Riyadh Bus Stop!


Riyadh, the capital and the largest city of Saudi Arabia in Western Asia, is located in the plain of the Hanifa Valley in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, with a population of more than 6 million.

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随着人口的逐年增长 ,公共交通的发展尤为重要,利雅得政府大力推动公共交通建设,ALTOP积极参与了利雅得地铁站、巴士站的建造, 成功帮助利雅得脱离了公共交通稀缺的窘境。

With the growth of population year by year, the development of public transport is particularly important. The Riyadh government has vigorously promoted the construction of public transport. ALTOP has actively participated in the construction of Riyadh Metro Station and bus station, and successfully helped Riyadh out of the dilemma of public transport scarcity.

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今天我们主要来讲讲ALTOP参与的500套巴士站的建造,Altop 负责其巴士站的前期设计,生产,运输及现场安装的技术指导。

This time, we will mainly talk about the construction of 500 units of Bus stop that ALTOP participated in. ALTOP is responsible for the overall design, production and transportation services of its bus stops.

项目难点较大,涉及的系统较多,包括框架式断桥幕墙系统、屋面恒温系统、室内无缝吊顶系统、隔热保温系统、钢结构、百叶门等;其次涉及到的材料类别多将近上百项不同种类的国际标准建筑材料;并且加工工艺复杂,加工精度、质量要求较高。为此Altop项目部针对整个项目制定了详细的加工方案,质量控制计划,加强了各项质量把关力度,每道工序必须达到规范要求,并在工期紧张的情况下,在2个月内便顺利完成了首套Proto type的生产和组装,业主、顾问及总包验收后表示十分满意。

The project has great difficulties and involves many systems, including thermal break stick curtain wall system, roof constant temperature system, indoor seamless ceiling system, thermal insulation system, steel structure, shutter door, etc; The material categories involved are nearly hundreds of different types of international standard building materials; And the processing technology is complex, and the processing accuracy and quality requirements are high. For this reason, Altop Project Department has formulated a detailed processing plan and quality control plan for the whole project, strengthened the quality control efforts, and each process must meet the specification requirements. In the case of tight construction period, the production and assembly of the first Proto type was successfully completed within 2 months. The owner, consultant and general contractor expressed great satisfaction after acceptance.

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For the typical prefabricated building of the project, ALTOP Project Department prefabricated the proportion of all the components of the project and pre-assembled them at 1:1 in the company to ensure that they are safe before being sent to the site. The on-site installation only needs to use screws to assemble all the components. At the same time, Altop Project Department took the initiative to provide customers with detailed on-site installation video, which made the on-site installation very smooth and greatly saved the construction period.


ALTOP successfully completed the bus station construction task with high standards and quality within the construction period, and actively provided customers with professional design plans, production and processing plans, delivery scheduling plans, and on-site installation plans during the project, and maintained the most frank, professional, timely and effective communication with customers, with a meticulous attitude, and successfully won the praise of the general contractor!

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The completion of Riyadh Express Bus Station in Saudi Arabia will realize a transportation network system consisting of 24 bus lines and 956 buses, alleviate the pressure of urban public transport, and effectively solve the current situation of local traffic congestion.
ALTOP与实力雄厚的ALGHURAIR CONSTRUCTION公司已合作多次,这次又不负众望的交上完美答卷! ALTOP也将以一贯认真负责的态度不断创新,追求卓越,为全球城市带来更多优质建筑!

ALTOP has cooperated with the powerful ALGHURAIR CONSTRUCTION company for many times, and this time it delivered the perfect answer! ALTOP will also continue to innovate with a serious and responsible attitude, pursue excellence, and bring more high-quality buildings to global cities!



Post time: Jul-21-2023
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